Who I Am

At a mere 23 years old, Alina Zerpa graduated from the University of Miami with a Bachelors in Journalism and Psychology. She picked up a pen at the age of 16, at her grandmother's encouragement, and never put it down.
Born and raised in Miami, FL., Alina has learned to embrace the tumultuous ways of the city, the people that make it up and to always ask for an extra croqueta. When she's not creating press releases, cranking out articles or managing social media, she's scouting destinations to write about in her travel journal. Occasionally, she is designing logos and graphics for organizations and colleagues. Cameras have recently become her favorite toy.
Her blog, From A To Z, is increasing in publicity as she covers the best, and worst, of Miami whether it's food, nightlife, or adventures around the city.
She has been awarded three Golden Circle Awards from the Columbia Scholastic Press Association for her magazine writing.
Nice to meet you.
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