African Adventure: The Greatest City in the World
Tuesday - July 25, 2017 Kigali is one of the best cities in the world!! Real roads! Lights at night! Boda bodas! The weather! Beautiful...

African Adventure: Love At First Sight
Monday - July 24, 2017 Never been so happy to leave a place at 5 a.m. so quickly. Blah blah blah same creepy guys at the bus station and...

African Adventure: The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round
Sunday - July 23, 2017 Dear Diary, Today's bus ride absolutely sucked. The End. We had to say goodbye to Tanzania today and say hello...

African Adventure: In the Shape of an L on Her Forehead
Saturday - July 22, 2017 For today, my Mama joined Irene and I for breakfast. Although a small gesture since it was our last day today,...

African Adventure: Home Is Home
Friday - July 21, 2017 It's cold up here in Mount Kilimanjaro and my body isn't adjusting well - my nose is runny and the sweaters are...