African Adventure: In the Shape of an L on Her Forehead
Saturday - July 22, 2017 For today, my Mama joined Irene and I for breakfast. Although a small gesture since it was our last day today, it seemed like she was being scandalous for leaving her unnamed baby by the goats in the smokehouse for a few minutes. Bread and coffee was shared over the small dinner table and my Mama couldn't stop smiling. She was really beautiful. Before we left to the work site, the family agreed to take pictures with me so I can always remember them. I'm going to find a way to get them this picture; there aren't really addresses so maybe emailing it to Roots and Shoots will help get it to them. Baby Joshua was scared about being near me for a picture. His mom put on a little suit for him to look nice. We couldn't help but laugh. They all shook my hand goodbye but I retaliated with a hug. "I'm sorry, this is what we do at home," I said as they hugged me back, slightly confused. They told me I'd be welcome to always come back. I'm not sure if I'll take them up on that offer but still, the gesture was kind enough. I countered that Miami would be home for them too and they laughed, saying they'd never go because it's too expensive. I was just trying to be polite! Imagine Baby Joshua in Miami - who'd take care of the goats?!
After a long, freezing morning waiting for everyone to get to the volunteer site, we had potatoes and some beef stew. I'm never eating a potato again. As a final goodbye, there was a ceremony of sorts for us. The Roots and Shoots volunteer sang us a song and we retaliated with a song we all knew: somebody once told me the world was gonna roll me, I ain't the sharpest tool in the sheeeeed. *Shrek is always a classic move* The Mamas all one upped us by bringing instruments and had us all in a circle holding hands and chanting. A second song was sung and we'd jump back and forth really quickly in a circle until everyone was jumping everywhere in the circle. My Spanish-speaking Tanzanian friend, Dismis, was helping me with this one. A third one was sung calling each individual person in the circle to dance a move and go back to the outer lining of the circle. So far, one of the top moments of the trip. Close contender was the Snickers and Pringles bought at the Rafiki Supermarket shortly afterwards. God Bless Candy. Â